Selected talks, sessions, workshops, and events:
- (Sep 2025) NDC TechTown, Kongsberg (event info)
- (Dec 2024) Advent of Code 2023, 50 stars! (event info)
- (Dec 2024) About knowledge work, a 90 min session for a Hydrogen business team, Stavanger
- (Dec 2024) Team competence mapping, a 90 min session for a Hydrogen business team, Stavanger
- (Nov 2024) Cirrus training, participating and contributing to a 3 day course on a CCS reservoir simulation tool, Bergen
- (Nov 2024) Scaling through digitalisation, a 1 hour session about CCS for LCS leadership team, Bergen
- (Nov 2024) CCS for developers, a 45 min session together with Ola Miljeteig, EDC 2024, Stavanger
- (Nov 2024) Software development is about learning (not about doing), opening keynote at EDC 2024, Stavanger
- (Nov 2024) What about the soft skills?, a 1 day workshop at EDC 2024, Stavanger
- (Sep 2024) Book Launch: C++ Brain Teasers by Anders Schau Knatten, interview at Oslo C++ meetup at NDC TechTown, Kongsberg (video)
- (Aug 2024) Kolsås uphill geo-hike, leading a 2 hour geologi trip as part of DSD gathering, Aug 27, 2024
- (Aug 2024) High Performing Teams, a 90 minute workshop for Code&Crust gathering (FOS IT), Oslo
- (May 2024) Python Intermediate, a 2 day course for CCS engineers and scientists, virtual
- (May 2024) About Stress, a 10 minute safety moment about psychological stress, depression and how to get some help
- (May 2024) A proper (re)introduction to git, a 3 hour session for a cyber security team, virtual
- (Mar 2024) High Performing Teams, a 90 minute workshop for Code&Crust gathering (FOS IT), Stavanger
- (Feb 2024) Team Competence Mapping, a 90 minute workshop for a information security compliance team, Oslo
- (Feb 2024) High Performing Teams, a 90 minute workshop at CCS gathering, Oslo
- (Feb 2024) Code Coaching, a 15 minute session at Equinor Developer Meetup, virtual
- (Feb 2024) Code Coaching, introducing a code review session at Software Craftmanship Day, Bergen
- (Feb 2024) About generative AI, a 2 hour ad-hoc training course, virtual
- (Jan 2024) High Performing Teams, a 90 workshop at offshore wind gathering, Stavanger
- (Jan 2024) Advice to Advisors, a 1 hour workshop at Senior Advisors/Specialists gathering, Stavanger
- (Dec 2023) Advent of Code 2023, 50 stars! (event info)
- (Dec 2023) Python Intermediate/Advanced, a 2 day course for subsurface professionals, virtual
- (Nov 2023) High Performing Teams, a 90 minute workshop for accident investigators, Bergen
- (Nov 2023) Rock Mechanics mini hackathon, leading a 2 day workshop, virtual
- (Nov 2023) About Stochastic Paleotemperature Modeling, a 25 minute live demo of warmth + ERT, virtual
- (Nov 2023) Team Competence Mapping, a 2 hour workshop, virtual
- (Nov 2023) High Performing Teams, a 90 minute workshop at graduate gathering, Stavanger
- (Oct 2023) Stochastic Paleotemperature Modeling, active participant in a 3 day hackathon with focus on subsurface technology, Trondheim
- (Oct 2023) About Knowledge Work and Competence Mapping, a 3 hour workshop at an RLC gathering, Trondheim
- (Sep 2023) Reintroduction to C, a 1 hour session at NDC TechTown, Kongsberg (slides, video)
- (Sep 2023) 42 Silly Ways to say Hello in C, a 45 min session at EDC, Stavanger
- (Sep 2023) Getting Started and Python Foundation, a 2 day course for subsurface professionals, virtual
- (Jun 2023) Data Magic with Python, a 4 hour session for summer interns
- (Jun 2023) An advanced tour of modern Python, a 4 hour session for summer interns
- (Jun 2023) A proper introduction to GitHub and git, a 4 hour session for summer interns
- (Jun 2023) Python Beginners, a 2 day course for data enegineers, virtual
- (May 2023) Python Intermediate, a 2 day course for data enegineers, virtual
- (May 2023) Python Intermediate/Advanced, a 2 day course for young professionals, Fornebu
- (May 2023) Python Foundation, a 2 day course for energy system engineers, remote, internal
- (May 2023) Grow Professionalism, a 1 hour session for dEx engineers, internal, Stavanger (slides)
- (May 2023) Agile Architecture Documentation workshop, 4 days with Craig Larman, Bergen (video)
- (Apr 2023) Python Intermediate/Advanced, external 2 day course for researchers, SUBPRO/NTNU
- (Apr 2023) Python Advanced, a 2 day course for energy system engineers, internal
- (Apr 2023) Python Intermediate, a 2 day course for subsurface professionals, internal
- (Mar 2023) On the cliff to chaos, a 20 minute session about complexity and Cynefin, internal
- (Mar 2023) GitHub introduction, a 90 minute session, internal
- (Mar 2023) Python mini-hackathon, an internal 2 day session with relevant problems to solve
- (Mar 2023) Python for beginners, including Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, a 1 day internal session
- (Mar 2023) Grow Professionalism!, a 60 minute session, Kosli @ Startuplab
- (Mar 2023) About Knowledge Work, a 60 minute session, Kosli @ Startuplab
- (Jan 2023) Python Foundation, getting started, a 2 day course, internal
- (Jan 2023) GitHub introduction, a 90 minute session, internal
- (Jan 2023) Advanced Python, a 2 day course, internal
- (multiple) Equinor Software Developer onboarding, 2 hour sessions
- (Dec 2022) Advent of Code 2022, 50 stars! (event info)
- (Dec 2022) About psychological safety, a 45 minute session, internal
- (Dec 2022) Python for dummies, a 3 hour one-to-one session about getting started with Python
- (Dec 2022) FIRST LEGO League, judge at the scandinavian finale at Fornebu
- (Nov 2022) A tour of Python Intermediate/Advanced, a 2 day course, inhouse
- (Oct 2022) Tour of classic C++ - a proper reintroduction, a 3 day course, inhouse
- (Sep 2022) Data Magic with Python, a 1 day workshop at EDC (event info)
- (Sep 2022) A gentle (re)introduction to C, a 1 day workshop at EDC (event info)
- (Aug 2022) 42 silly ways to say Hello in C, a 60 minute presentation at NDC TechTown (youtube, slides)
- (Aug 2022) Tour of C - a proper (re)introduction, a 2 day workshop at NDC TechTown
- (Jun 2022) Data Magic with Python, a 4 hour session for summer interns
- (Jun 2022) An advanced tour of modern Python, a 4 hour session for summer interns
- (Jun 2022) A proper introduction to GitHub and git, a 4 hour session for summer interns
- (May 2022) About knowledge work, psychological safety, and collective learning, a 90 minute presentation, internal
- (May 2022) Intermediate/Advanced Python, a 2 day course
- (Apr 2022) About psychological safety, a 30 minute presentation, internal
- (Apr 2022) Data Magic with Python, a 4 hour internal workshop
- (Apr 2022) About knowledge work, psychological safety, and collective learning, a 60 minute presentation, internal
- (Mar-Aug 2022) Python, Git and GitHub upscaling, 20 hours over several sessions, internal
- (Mar 2022) Data Magic with Python, a 4 hour internal workshop
- (Mar 2022) About knowledge work, psychological safety, and collective learning, a 60 minute presentation, internal
- (Mar 2022) Data Magic with Python, a 4 hour internal workshop
- (Mar 2022) Data Magic with Python, a 3 hour tour/workshop at UiO IFI Navet
- (Mar 2022) Data Magic with Python, a 4 hour internal workshop
- (Feb 2022) Learning is potentially a wasteful activity, a 1 hour EqTalk session together with Torgeir Dingsøyr
- (Feb 2022) Introduction to Python, a 2 day course
- (Jan 2022) Advanced topics in Python, a 4 hour course
- (Jan 2022) Intermediate Python, a 2 day course
- (multiple) Git and GitHub in Equinor, a 4 hour course
- (multiple) Equinor Software Developer onboarding, 2 hour sessions
- (multiple) Team Competence Mapping, typically 90 minute sessions
- (Dec 2021) Advent of Code 2021, 50 stars! (event info)
- (Nov 2021) Knowledge Work, a 1 hour session, internal
- (Nov 2021) 42 silly ways to say Hello in Python, a 45 min session, Equinor Developer Conference (event info)
- (Sep 2021) Python Intermediate, a 3 day course, internal
- (Oct 2021) Lean Knowledge Management, presenting a research paper at ELEC 2021 (event info, proceedings, preprint)
- (Oct 2021) Secure Coding in C, a 90 min session for Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Institute (event info)
- (Sep 2021) Deep C, a 2 hour presentation for Silicon Labs
- (July 2021) A proper introduction to GitHub and git, a 4 hour blitz course for summer interns
- (June 2021) An advanced tour of modern Python, a 4 hour blitz course for summer interns
- (multiple) Team Competence Mapping, typically 90 minute sessions
- (multiple) Good to Great retrospectives, typically 4 hour sessions
- (multiple) Infrastructure as Code in Omnia/Azure, 3 day course
- (multiple) Introduction to GitHub and Git, typically 2 hour sessions
- (multiple) The Git Parable and a Tour of Git, typically 4 hour session
- (multiple) Equinor Software Developer onboarding, 2 hour sessions
- (Nov 2020) Grow Professionalism!, a 45 minute session, Huddly Demo Day (slides)
- (Sep 2020) Deep C, a 2 day advanced course for experienced programmers at , NDC TechTown (course details)
- (multiple) Python Advanced, a 2 day course
- (July 2020) A tour of Git for summer interns, a 4 hour course
- (July 2020) Advanced Python for summer interns, a 4 hour course
- (multiple) Introduction to GitHub and Git, a 4 hour session
- (multiple) Python for absolute beginners, a 2 day course
- (multiple) Equinor Software Developer onboarding, 2 hour sessions
- (multiple) Python Foundation, a 2 day course
- (multiple) The Git Parable and a Tour of Git, a 4 hour session
- (multiple) Python Intermediate, a 2 day course
- (Dec 2019) Navigating Chaos, a 25 minute internal EqLunch tech talk (slides)
- (Nov 2019) Grow Professionalism!, a 45 minute opening keynote at Software Craftmanship Day Equinor Bergen (slides)
- (Sep 2019) Introduction to Python, a 6 hour beginners workshop at Equinor Developer Conference in Stavanger
- (Sep 2019) Deep C, a 2.5 hour advanced workshop at Equinor Developer Conference in Stavanger
- (Sep 2019) Techincal Debt is Good, a 10 minute lightning talk at Equinor Developer Conference in Stavanger
- (Sep 2019) The TANDBERG Way, a 60 minute session at NDC Techtown (description, slides, youtube, mp4(1GB))
- (Sep 2019) NDC TechTown, organizer (event info, article, promo video)
- (Jul 2019) Deep C (and C++), a 4 hour blitz course for interns, Cisco, Lysaker
- (Jul 2019) A tour of Python, a 4 hour blitz course for interns, Cisco, Lysaker
- (May 2019) Secure Coding in C (and C++), a 2 day workshop for engineers at Cisco Norway
- (Mar 2019) A tour of Modern C++, a three hour session at Høyskolen Kristiania
- (Feb 2019) Cisco DevNet Security Express, contributing by teaching Python, Git and REST API’s (event info)
- (Feb 2019) 42 silly ways to say “Hello” in modern C++, live coding session at Oslo C++ Users Group (event info)
- (Jan 2019) Secure Coding in C (and C++), a 2 day workshop at NDC Security 2019 (info)
- (Sep 2018) A Tour of Modern C++, a 6 hour course at Equinor Developer Conference, Sola (event)
- (Sep 2018) Feedback-driven Development, a 60 minute keynote for Equinor Developer Conference, Sola (pdf, event, photo)
- (Sep 2018) 42 silly ways to say “Hello” in modern C++, a 20 minute session at Cisco TechZone Norway (slides)
- (Aug 2018) A Tour of Modern C++, a one day course at NDC TechTown, Kongsberg (info, promo video)
- (Jul 2018) A quick and dirty introduction to modern C++, a 4 hour blitz course for interns, Cisco, Lysaker
- (Jul 2018) A quick and dirty introduction to Python, a 4 hour blitz course for interns, Cisco, Lysaker
- (Jun 2018) A Tour of Modern C++, 3 short days for Cisco engineers, Lysaker
- (May 2018) A Tour of Modern C++, 3 short days for Cisco engineers, Lysaker
- (Apr 2018) A Tour of Modern C++, 3 short days for Cisco engineers based in Uxbridge (via TelePresence)
- (Feb 2018) A tour of Modern C++, a three hour session, Høyskolen Kristiania (pdf)
- (Feb 2018) Introduction to Python, a two day course at Cisco, Lysaker
- (Jan 2018) Modern C++ Explained : Move Semantics, a 1 hour CTG Tech Talk (slideshare, pdf)
- (Oct 2017) History and spirit of C, a 45 minute session at NDC TechTown, Kongsberg (info, pdf, video)
- (Oct 2017) A Tour of Modern C++, a one day course at NDC TechTown, Kongsberg (info, pdf)
- (Sep 2017) History and spirit of C, opening keynote at Embedded Computing Conference 2017, Winterthur (slideshare, pdf)
- (Aug 2017) Introduction to Python, a two day course at Cisco, Lysaker
- (Jul 2017) A quick and dirty introduction to modern C++, a 5 hour blitz course, Cisco, Lysaker
- (Jul 2017) A quick and dirty introduction to Python, a 5 hour blitz course, Cisco, Lysaker
- (Apr 2017) Trust Yields Performance, a 50 minute audio podcast with Dave Rael on his Developer on Fire
- (Jan 2017) Software Engineering Masterclass, 1 day, Olve Maudal and Jon Jagger, Cisco, Lysaker
- (Jan 2017) Modern C++ by Example, a two day course at Cisco, Lysaker
- (Nov 2016) TDD in C - Recently Used List Kata, a 60 minute session for Kongsberg Maritime Subsea (Simrad), Horten (slideshare, pdf)
- (Nov 2016) Feedback-driven Product Development, a 60 minute session for Kongsberg Maritime Subsea (Simrad), Horten (slides)
- (Nov 2016) Introduction to Python, a three day course at Cisco, Lysaker
- (Nov 2016) Modern C++ by Example, a two day course at Cisco, Lysaker
- (Oct 2016) Deep C and Secure Coding, a two day course at Cisco, Lysaker
- (Oct 2016) Introduction to Python, a three day course at Cisco, Lysaker
- (Oct 2016) Introduction to programming and learn to solve Rubik’s cube, a one day course for in programming for 20 kids aged 10-11 year old, Klass 6B Hosle skole, Lysaker (slides, slides)
- (Sep 2016) Modern C++ by Example, a two day course at Cisco, Lysaker
- (Sep 2016) Deep C and Secure Coding, a two day course at Cisco, Lysaker
- (Aug 2016) Introduction to Python, a three day course at Cisco, Lysaker
- (Jun 2016) A quick and dirty introduction to modern C++, a 5 hours blitz course, Cisco, Lysaker
- (Jun 2016) A quick and dirty introduction to Python, a 5 hours blitz course, Cisco, Lysaker
- (Jun 2016) Deep C and Secure Coding, a two day course, NDC, June 2016 (event info)
- (Apr 2016) C++ Pub Quiz, ACCU, April 2016 (slides, event info)
- (Mar 2016) Introduction to Modern C++, a three hour lecture, Westerdals Oslo School of Arts, Communication and Technology
- (Mar 2016) Introduction to Python, a three day course for Datametrix, Lysaker
- (Feb 2016) Machine Learning Workshop, a two hour workshop for the ML CoP at Lysaker.
- (Jan 2016) About Feedback Driven Development, a 3 hour workshop with Intelecom
- (Jan 2016) From TANDBERG to Cisco, a lunch&learn presentation for Intelecom
- (Jan 2016) Introduction to Machine Learning, a 30 minute quick and dirty introduction, Lysaker
- (Nov 2015) Introduction to Modern C++, a two day course, Bangalore over TP
- (Nov 2015) Learn to program, a two day course, Lysaker
- (Oct 2015) Deep C and Secure Coding, a two day course, Bangalore
- (Oct 2015) Code Cleaning, 90 min presentation, Nerd Lunch, Bangalore (slides)
- (Oct 2015) Secure Coding in C, 45 min presentation, SecConX India, Bangalore (slides)
- (Oct 2015) What we do at Lysaker - a 45 minute presentation for students at NTNU, Trondheim (slides)
- (Oct 2015) Deep C - a two-day course about writing solid, portable and secure code for Programutvikling at Fornebu (course description)
- (Oct 2015) Learn programming on the Raspberry Pi, a one day course in programming (C++, Python, Assembler) for kids aged 10-17, Lysaker (slides)
- (Sep 2015) Modern Organizational Thinking, a lightning talk, Breakfast Club, Cisco (pdf)
- (Sep 2015) TechZone Sundvolden 2015, head organizer of an internal technology conference at Cisco (mp4, video)
- (Aug 2015) Introduction to Modern C++ - a two day course, internal, Cisco, Norway
- (June 2015) History and Spirit of C and C++ - a 60 minute session at NDC, Oslo (slides, video, event info)
- (April 2015) Feedback-driven Product Development, CoDe Oslo Conference 2015 (slides, event info)
- (April 2015) FizzBuzz EDSAC - a 5 minute lightning talk at ACCU, Bristol (slides, event info)
- (April 2015) History and Spirit of C and C++ - a 90 minute session at ACCU, Bristol (slides, event info)
- (April 2015) WG14 meeting, host for C standardization meeting, April 13-17, Lysaker, Norway (event info)
- (March 2015) Introduction to Modern C++ - a 30 minute session for Finn Academy, Oslo (video, slides)
- (March 2015) Python Foundation - a two day course for professional programmers. Co-teaching with Kevlin Henney, Lysaker, Norway (course material)
- (March 2015) 3 hour Innovation Role Play, with Ove Brynestad at NTNU in Trondheim
- (January 2015) Introduction to Modern C++ - a 3 hour presentation, Lysaker (slides)
- (January 2015) Insecure Coding in C (and C++) - a 90 minute remote presentation for CMPE 279 Software Security Technologies class, Spring 2015, San José State University (course description, slides)
- (January 2015) Python Foundation - a two day course for professional programmers. Co-teaching with Kevlin Henney, Lysaker, Norway (course material)
- (December 2014) Security White Belt Ninja training - hosting a one day video course marathon, summary and exam for engineers at Lysaker, Norway
- (December 2014) Python Foundation - a two day course for professional programmers. Co-teaching with Kevlin Henney, Lysaker, Norway (course material)
- (November 2014) Introduction to Modern C++ - a 90 minute GeekUp session for, HasGeek house, Bangalore (event info, slides)
- (November 2014) Advanced Feedback Driven Development - a 60 minute internal session for Cisco CETG Bangalore (slides)
- (November 2014) Insecure coding in C (and C++), a 45 minute presentation, Cisco SecCon Bangalore (slides)
- (November 2014) Deep C - a two-day course about writing solid, portable and secure code, Cisco SecCon Bangalore
- (October 2014) Introduction to modern C++ - a 45 presentation at Competence Day, Thales Norway, Oslo (slides)
- (September 2014) Insecure coding in C and C++ - a 90 minute session for Cisco CETG in RTP and Richardson, US (slides)
- (August 2014) Deep C - a two day course for experienced programmers - a course for Programutvikling (event info)
- (June 2014) Mini-course on C, C++ and Assembler - a 2 hour intro course for kids aged 10-16, summer school, Asker (slides)
- (June 2014) Insecure coding in C and C++ - a 60 minute session at NDC Oslo (slides, video)
- (May 2014) Insecure coding in C - a 20 minute session at Cisco SecConX in London (slides)
- (April 2014) C++ Pub Quiz - a 90 minute session at the ACCU conference in Bristol (slides, event info)
- (April 2013) Deep C++ - a 4 hour guest lecture for students at NITH
- (February 2014) Product Development in Cisco - a 45 min session at Software 2014 (slides, event info)
- (February 2014) Learn programming on the Raspberry Pi, a one day course in programming (C++, Python, Assembler) for kids aged 9-16, Lysaker (slides)
- (January 2014) Mini-course on C++ - a 1 hour introductory course in C++ for kids during Maker Faire Oslo at Teknisk Musem (slides, event info)
- (December 2013) Secure coding in C and C++ - 2 day course together with Martin Sebor, Cisco, San Jose
- (November 2013) Course in programming for kids - a 2 hour course in Scratch, Nordic Game Day, Deichmanske bibliotek, Lambertseter (pictures)
- (November 2013) Learn programming on the Raspberry Pi - 4 hour workshop for school teachers (slides, event info)
- (October 2013) Deep C (and C++) - a 90 minute public presentation, HasGeek / Geekup, Bangalore (slides, video, event info)
- (October 2013) Introduction to C++ by Example - a 3 day course, Cisco, Bangalore
- (October 2013) Learn programming on the Raspberry Pi, a one day course in programming (Python, C) for kids aged 10-18, Lysaker
- (September 2013) About Algorithms and Data Structures - 45 minute lecture for students at UiO, Oslo (event info)
- (July 2013) Introduction to C - a one day course for summer interns/students at Cisco/Oslo (slides)
- (June 2013) Deep C++ - a 1 hour presentation at NDC 2013 (slides, video)
- (June 2013) 42 silly ways to write “hello, world” in modern C++ - a 1 hour live coding session at the community booth NDC 2013.
- (June 2013) Demons May Fly Out Of Your Nose Article in ACCU Overload Issue 115 (pdf)
- (April 2013) Deep C++ - a 4 hour guest lecture for students at NITH (slides, event info)
- (April 2013) C++ Pub Quiz - a 90 minute session at the ACCU conference (slides, event info)
- (April 2013) Unspecified and Undefined - a 90 minute tutorial about C compilers at the ACCU conference (slides, video, event info)
- (April 2013) Lær Kidsa Koding - a lightning talk (in norwegian) about teaching kids to program (slides, event info)
- (March 2013) Embrace Uncertainty - try to be effective instead of just efficienct! - the Cisco Nordic Development Day (slides)
- (March 2013) C++11 by Example - presentation at SDC2013 in Gothenburgh. (event info)
- (March 2013) Deep C - presentation at SDC2013 in Gothenburgh. (slides, event info)
- (February 2013) Deep C - a two day course for experienced programmers - a course for Programutvikling in Trondheim. (event info)
- (January 2013) Introduction to C++ by Example - a three day course - teaching an introductory course in C++ for a development team in Galway, Ireland.
- (January 2013) C++11 by Example - a 1 hour “brown bag” session in Galway, Ireland
- (December 2012) Inside the Cisco Lab in Norway - short YouTube video about how we think about product development (mp4, youtube)
- (December 2012) C++11 by Example - 1 hour presentation in Reading, UK (slides)
- (November 2012) Deep C - a two day course for experienced programmers - a course for Programutvikling in Oslo. (event info)
- (November 2012) Learn to solve Rubiks Cube - a session at Nordisk Spilldag, Deichmanske bibliotek, Lambertseter (event info, slides)
- (October 2012) Introduction to C++11 (by Example) - a 30 minute session for dagen@ifi, University of Oslo (event info, slides)
- (October 2012) Deep C (and C++) - a 3 hour session at NTNU in Trondheim. (event info, slides)
- (October 2012) Deep C++ - a 1 hour internal session in Rolle, Switzerland (slides)
- (September 2012) C++11 for Java programmers - a 1 hour presentation at JavaZone in Oslo, with Lars Gullik Bjønnes (slides, video)
- (September 2012) Navigating Chaos - a 20 minute presentation for 17 high tech journalists visiting Cisco Systems in Norway (slides)
- (September 2012) Solid C++ - a 3 hours session for students at NTNU in Trondheim (event info, slides)
- (June 2012) DemoExpo, Cisco Systems in Norway - lead organizer of the DemoExpo event at Cisco Systems in Norway (youtube)
- (June 2012) Deep C++ - a 50 minute session at TNG Big Techday, Munchen (slides, video)
- (June 2012) Coding Dojo - Print Diamond in C# - hosted 2x60 minute CyberDojo sessions with Jon Jagger at NDC 2012, Oslo
- (May 2012) C++11 - the new C++ standard - 90 minute session for Baksia, Oslo (slides)
- (May 2012) A Shock to the System - Key Learnings for Successful Large-Scale Organizational Agile Transitions - a 3 hour workshop with Steven Fraser and Ken Power at XP2012, Malmø (slides)
- (May 2012) Deep C - a 3 day course - teaching with Jon Jagger, Oslo (20 students)
- (April 2012) C++11 Pub Quiz - 90 minute session at ACCU 2012, Oxford (slides)
- (April 2012) TDD in Assembler - 90 minute session at ACCU 2012, Oxford (slides)
- (April 2012) TDD in C - with Will McKinley, presentation at Agile@Cisco, San Jose (over TP)
- (April 2012) ISO versus Agility: Mutual Destruction or Mutual Concession? - with Michael Bays, presentation at Agile@Cisco, San Jose (over TP)
- (April 2012) What is waste? - with Mary Poppendieck, keynote at Agile@Cisco, San Jose (over TP)
- (March 2012) Deep C - a 3 day course - teaching with Jon Jagger, Oslo (8 students)
- (November 2011) Reduksjonisme er roten til alt vondt! (Reductionism is the root to all pain!) - a 20 minute presentation at the Smidig 2011 conference, Oslo (slides)
- (November 2011) Deep C (and C++) - a 90 minute internal presentation, Cisco, San Jose (slides)
- (November 2011) Test-Driven Development in C - a 2 hour internal session, Cisco, San Jose
- (November 2011) Deep C (and C++) - a 2 hour presentation, ACCU Silicon Valley Chapter, Mountain View (slides)
- (November 2011) (paper presentation) - CTech Forum, an Internal research and innovation conference, Cisco, San Jose
- (October 2011) Emerging Architecture - a 15 minute lightning talk at University of Oslo, dagen@ifi (slides)
- (October 2011) Test-Driven Development in C - a 15 minute lightning talk at University of Oslo, dagen@ifi (slides)
- (October 2011) C++ Pub Quiz - a 90 minute session at Oslo C++ Users Group meetup (slides)
- (October 2011) Deep C (and C++) - a 3 hour internal course together with Jon Jagger (slides)
- (September 2011) Deep C (and C++) - a 45 minute session at TechZone, an internal Cisco conference
- (September 2011) Code Entropy and Physics of Software - a 60 minute session in Norwegian at JavaZone X (slides, video)
- (September 2011) Navigating Chaos - a 45 minute invited talk for Comperio (slides)
- (August 2011) About Lean and Systems Thinking - an internal presentation for the Agile@Cisco working group (slides)
- (July 2011) Navigating Chaos - The opening keynote at the Agile@Cisco conference, San Jose (slides)
- (July 2011) Seven Enemies of Agile- A 20 minute “lightning talk” at the Agile@Cisco conference, San Jose
- (June 2011) Coding dojo - I hosted a coding dojo session using the Yahtzee kata in Ruby and C at Test Driven Developers Meetupin Silicon Valley, California
- (June 2011) Coding dojo - Jon Jagger and I hosted a coding dojo session using the Yahtzee kata in C# at NDC 2011 (link)
- (June 2011) Coding dojo - Jon Jagger and I hosted a coding dojo session using the Roman Numerals kata in C# at NDC 2011 (link)
- (May 2011) Videokonferansens Ferrari - an interview and article (in norwegian) about how we develop videoconferencing products and telepresence solution at Lysaker (pdf, website)
- (April 2011) Solid C++ by Example - A 90 minute session at ACCU 2011 (slides)
- (April 2011) Code Entropy and Physics of Software - A 90 minute session with Jon Jagger at ACCU 2011 (slides)
- (April 2011) Technical Debt is Good - A 5 minute lightning talk at ACCU 2011 (slides)
- (April 2011) CyberDojo - Jon Jagger and I hosted a coding dojo session at ACCU 2011 (link)
- (February 2011) Fra Tandberg til Cisco - kultur og innovasjon / From Tandberg to Cisco - about culture and innovation - The closing keynote at FPGA Forum 2011 (slides)
- (November 2010) Kontinuerlig tilbakemelding på alle nivåer er viktig / Continuous feedback on all levels is important - a 10 minute lightning talk at Smidig 2010 (slides, video)
- (November 2010) About Innovation - a 50 minute presentation at an internal weekend seminar for Itera Consulting (slides)
- (September 2010) CyberDojo - Jon Jagger and I hosted a coding dojo session at JavaZone 2010 (link)
- (June 2010) The TANDBERG Way - a 2 hour presentation for a telecom company in Belgium (slides)
- (June 2010) Solid C++ code by example - A 60 minute session at NDC 2010 (slideshare, slides)
- (June 2010) CyberDojo - Jon Jagger and I hosted a coding dojo session at NDC 2010 (link)
- (June 2010) Product Development in TANDBERG - a 60 minute session at NDC 2010 (slides)
- (June 2010) CyberDojo - Jon Jagger and I hosted a coding dojo session at XP 2010 conference (cyber-dojo)
- (June 2010) Technical Debt is Good - a 9 minute lightning talk at the XP 2010 conference (slides)
- (May 2010) Advanced Feedback Driven Development and Globally Distributed Projects - the opening keynote at an internal conference about Global Development hosted by Siemens in Erlangen (slides)
- (May 2010) CyberDojo session - Jon Jagger and I hosted a cyber-dojo session at Oslo Coding Dojo Meetup
- (May 2010) Solid C++ by Example - a 2 hour interactive meetup presentation for Oslo C++ Users Group ( at the Communities in Action 2010 conference
- (April 2010) Code Archeology - A 90 minute session together with Jon Jagger at the ACCU 2010 conference
- (April 2010) Solid C++ by Example - A 90 minute session at the ACCU 2010 conference.
- (April 2010) CyberDojo - Jon Jagger and I hosted several coding dojo sessions at the ACCU 2010 conference (cyber-dojo)
- (March 2010) Hard work does not pay off / “Knallhard jobbing lønne sæ itj… sjø!” - A 5 minute lightning talk (in Trøndersk dialect) at Oslo XP Meetup as part of Kevlin Henneys “97 Things Every Programmer Should Know”-session (slides, script)
- (February 2010) Produktutvikling i TANDBERG / Product Development in TANDBERG - a 2 hour presentation at The Oslo Lean Meetup (event, pdf)
- (January 2010) Verdens beste utviklingsmiljø - A ~2 hour presentation in norwegian for Systek KOMPIS (pdf)
- (December 2009) Teknisk gjeld er bra - A 15 minute rerun of the Smidig 2010 talk for Oslo XP Meetup (event)
- (October 2009) Teknisk gjeld er bra / Techncal Debt is Good - a 10 minute lightning talk at the Smidig 2009 conference (slides)
- (April 2009) Your codebase is like a kitchen - a 5 minute lightning talk at ACCU 2009 (slides)
- (April 2009) C++ Style and Idioms - a 45 minute interactive BOF session at ACCU 2009 (invitation, slides)
- (March 2009) Software Development at TANDBERG - a 90 minute presentation for an internal meetup at BEKK Consulting (slides)
- (November 2008) C++ Idioms by Example - a 2 hour interactive session at Oslo C++ Users Group (event, pdf)
- (October 2008) Koderengjøring / Code Cleaning - A 10 minute lightning talk at Smidig 2008 (pdf, video)
- (November 2007) Test-Driven Development in C - a 10 minute lightning talk at Smidig 2007 (pdf, video)
- (November 2007) Is Ruby on Rails ready for serious stuff? - a 10 minute lightning talk at Smidig 2007 (video)
- (November 2007) A quick and dirty introduction to C++0x - A 45 minute session together with Lars Gullik Gjønnes presented at TechZone 2007 (internal TANDBERG conference) (pdf)
- (October 2007) Product Development - The Making of the Tiger Camera - A 45 minute presentation at dagen@ifi 2007 (pdf)
- (September 2007) A quick and dirty introduction to C++0x - A 30 minute presentation at Oslo C++ Users Group (event, pdf)
- (January 2007) Test-Driven Development - A 60 minute session at TechZone Lillehammer (internal Tandberg conference) (pdf)
- (July 2005) Introduction to SIP - a presentation of H323 vs SIP for the Tandberg salesforce at Holmen Fjordhotel.